Saturday, November 04, 2006

Smoking should be prohibited in public places
Smoking is always harmful to the people. You smoke in a public or you smoke at your home, it has dangerous effect on the body. The person should not allow to smoke in public. Firstly, the non smoking people in the public places may not feel comfortable with the smoke. A person is smoking in a restaurant, and the person sitting on next table may not like the smoke. Secondly, smoking is even bad for the other people in the public. Smoke is harmful to the children. Pregnant women can have premature baby. Finally, second hand smoking is worse for the people who don’t smoke. For example, a person Is smoking. The smoke enters in the body of the other person sitting next to him, and it harmful to him. That person can feel difficulty in breathing or he might have lung cancer. We can only find a side effects, when a person smoke in a public. In conclusion, smoking should be prohibited in public.